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Every Wise Woman

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W.H.O Redefines "Herd Immunity" Just in Time for Covid Vaccine

The modern conventional medical industry and its “health authorities” have long been tainted with corruption and cronyism.  The latest example of blatant fraud is the World Health Organization’s rewriting of the definition of “herd immunity.”  The W.H.O, an agency of the United Nations, recently changed the posted definition of herd immunity on its website.  

Screenshot of a W.H.O covid page from June 2020:

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Screenshot of the same W.H.O covid page from November 2020:

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Hmmm… what happened?  How did “herd immunity” somehow completely change?  This definition distinction is extremely significant.  The term herd immunity (better understood as community or population immunity) was first applied to humans in the 1920s by an English doctor…the phrase was borrowed from veterinary/agricultural circles. Through the mid-20th century, when doctors and scientists spoke of “herd immunity,” they were referring to the immunity displayed by a community of people who had been exposed to and recovered from a particular pathogen (aka acquired immunity through pathogenic infection)…for example, enough people get a certain viral strain, their bodies create antibodies to it, most people develop “immunity,” and voila: herd immunity.  In the last few decades, the definition of “herd immunity” has transmuted (fueled in more recent years by pressure from big pharma execs who provide medical school texts, fund professional medical journals and influence government policy), and the common understanding of herd immunity was changed from that of natural acquired immunity to include an emphasis on vaccine-conferred immunity (which is not a physiological reality…true immunity exists only after the body— through its natural lymphatic processes— deals with infection).  Yet even the widely accepted modern definition of herd immunity still begins with naturally acquired immunity (while including the scientifically questionable, non-evidence-based vaccine-conferred proposal).

From the 2013 Encyclopedia Britannica article:

Herd immunity, also called community immunity, a state in which a large proportion of a population is able to repel an infectious disease, thereby limiting the extent to which the disease can spread from person to person. Herd immunity can be conferred through natural immunity, previous exposure to the disease, or vaccination. An entire population does not need to be immune to attain herd immunity. Rather, herd immunity can occur when the population density of persons who are susceptible to infection is sufficiently low so as to minimize the likelihood of an infected individual coming in contact with a susceptible individual. Herd immunity can prevent sustained disease spread in populations, thereby protecting susceptible individuals from infection. It is applicable, however, only to infectious diseases that can be spread by human contact.

Yet now, during the “covid era,” precipitated no doubt by the influence of vaccine manufacturers and vaccine pundits in preparation for covid vaccine mandates, the definition of herd immunity has been co-opted by the W.H.O to declare that herd immunity is conferred only by and through the process of vaccination.  And that herd immunity is not achieved by people being exposed to a pathogen!  This is a blanket misdirection not even currently taught in medical schools.  But why quibble over science when there is money to be made and control to be had with vaccine programs? But medical jargon revision does not change truth. Vaccination is not immunization…it never has been.  Vaccines have never been proven to be safe and effective.  Honest debate on this topic has raged for decades among scientific communities and the public (who has a right to informed consent).  But now the debate is being muzzled and information revised and destroyed.  I’m not surprised; but I’m dismayed that the general public will not be aware of or understand the obfuscation taking place…the bait and switch.  The era of censorship, mis-information and propaganda is proliferating, and blatant fraud is taking place before our very eyes.

This latest demonstration of revisionist propaganda is eerily reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984.  Orwell’s protagonist, Winston, works in the Records Department for the “Ministry of Truth,” where he helps to rewrite history and recast public information in compliance with the desires and dictates of Big Brother’s propagandized agenda.  I have no doubt that “the Ministry” would be proud of the W.H.O. 

Here’s a piece of information that everyone should have and understand: the second-largest funder of the World Health Organization is Bill Gates.  Yes… vaccine mega-proponent, population control guru, international policy influencer extraordinaire Bill Gates is a huge financial contributor to the W.H.O.  But that would never create a conflict of interest over W.H.O. vaccine (mis)information, right?  

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Emperor Covid Has No Clothes

For those of us who were raised on the classical fairy tales, Hans Christian Andersen’s story of the foolish Emperor and his invisible clothes should be tucked into our gray matter somewhere.  I was recently reading a version of this fable to my youngest child, and was struck by the parallels of this cautionary tale to today’s covid era.  Whilst numerous editors and publishers have produced variations in this simple but wise tale, I found the 1949 Houghton Mifflin version, illustrated by Virginia Lee Burton, to be especially relevant.

As the tale goes, a vain, fashion-obsessed Emperor was one day approached by two “weavers,” who were in fact clever swindlers.  They convinced the Emperor that they could create for him the most exquisite ensemble woven from a magic cloth that could not be seen by anyone who was unfit for his office, or who was very stupid (book’s words).  The excited Emperor gave the “weavers” huge sums of money and the wicked men (again, book’s words) set to work at their looms, pretending to weave this precious invisible cloth.  Desiring to check the progress on his new outfit, but not wanting to risk being an unfit fool who could not see the cloth, the Emperor sent a trusted court minister to ascertain the progress of the “weavers.”  As the story goes, the minister did not want to appear to be a dunce, so he pretended he could see the clothes and sent a glowing report to the Emperor.  The same thing happened when the Emperor then sent another official to the looms.  Finally, the wicked weavers announced that the Emperor’s clothes were finished.  When the Emperor went to be dressed, he was chagrined to discover that he could not see the cloth!  To save face, the Emperor declared the outfit to be beautiful and delightful.  His entire court followed suit.  “Splendid!” they cried.  All as one, they played into the hoax, each not wanting to be discovered fools and frauds…unsuitable for their posts.

The fateful day of the procession arrived, and after the Emperor was dressed by his courtiers, he proceeded to prance about the town to reveal to all the people his glorious ensemble.  And the masses cried out as he passed by, “How beautiful are our Emperor’s new clothes!”  For no one dared admit he could not see the clothes, for fear of being considered a simpleton or unfit. The crowds were excited unto a frenzy playing their part in the hoax.  But a little child, seeing clearly the truth and not holding back (one of the best qualities of little children), proclaimed that the Emperor was naked!  And the child’s father defended his words.  Thus, the whispers of corroboration spread like wild-fire through the crowds…the Emperor has nothing on at all!  The Emperor, of course, felt silly…for he knew that the people were correct…but he decided that the procession, once begun, must be completed.  So the Emperor and his lords and courtiers held their heads higher than ever and took greater trouble to continue the pretense.  The End.

Well.  I must admit, as I finished the evening’s reading of a tale I have read many times before, I felt I had never understood this parable as well as I do now.  What a relevant allegory for our current cultural crisis brought about by the “covid era!”  We are being inundated with a propaganda-based narrative that has already brought about deleterious changes to our world…and the malignancy continues to grow.  The U.N. and the globalists that steer world governments (look into the World Economic Forum) are planning a “Great Reset” for our economies and our way of life.  The “covid crisis” has been a useful tool.

As we enter the supposed “second wave” of “covid-19,” we are facing re-enactments of lockdowns, the dismantling of the holidays, and further oppression of human liberties and fellowship.  We now live in a world where there exist no other illnesses…no flu, no common cold, no disease…only covid.  Because anyone who becomes ill for any reason can be tested positive for covid (since the PCR test only detects bits of RNA and the exosomes produced by our body’s immune system have been mis-labeled “virus”).  All the symptoms you could have for any disruption in your body’s homeostasis can be labeled covid.  As honest doctors have already revealed, a wide variety of deaths have been fraudulently labeled as covid.  Heart attack?  Covid.  Emphysema?  Covid.  Gout attack?  Covid.  Fall off a roof?  Covid.  It’s the covid era and Emperor covid takes center stage.  

Why should we be concerned with the facts?  Why should we care that the covid test is not only highly unreliable, not designed to test for infectious viral disease, but also regarded by numerous health authorities and scientists around the world to have an outrageously high false positive rate?  Why should we be concerned that increased cases of covid are irrelevant, as the only numbers that honorable scientists really care about are death rates?  (And not the plumped up death rates produced by falsifying death records.)  The infection death rate for “covid” is still incredibly low for a proclaimed “deadly pandemic.”  Why should we be concerned that the masks we have all be forced to don, despite propaganda to the contrary (shame on you, NY Times), have no efficacy in suppressing the passage of viral matter?  And above all, why should we be concerned that the CDC itself admits that no covid-19 virus has ever been isolated and regrown in human cells?  

Really…why should we be concerned about any of it?  I mean, the narrative is so good…and all the people see how worthy and important and necessary is our belief and trust in the covid crisis.  Look!  See?  It’s covid!  There it is…can’t you see it?  Raise your voices together…ooh and aaah…there goes covid…be afraid, be very afraid!  Be kind!  Be willing to lose everything…covid has been proclaimed and people are dropping like flies, the young, the old, the in-between…the sky is falling, don’t you see it?  

Or, perhaps, the “covid” Emperor has no clothes.


To learn more:

Questioning Covid









bottom of page 39 admits no isolated virus:


Is Covid Compliance Kindness?

During this surreal “covid era,” we see many in our culture succumbing to fear, clinging to every word being forced upon the public by the mainstream media and governmental authorities.  Even the Church has fallen prey.  Churches initially voluntarily stopped meeting, allowing themselves to be party to a destruction of the separation between church and state, allowing the government to mandate that the Body of Christ abandon its God-given commission to fellowship together corporately.  Some church leaders have re-opened their weekly meetings, but insist upon mask wearing.  Perhaps some of these individuals, not wanting to admit they are promoting mask wearing out of blind obedience to unrighteous authorities, are saying, “If you love your neighbor, you will wear a mask to stop the spread of the covid pandemic.”  But such a statement is an emotionally manipulative exhortation based on a faulty assumption.  The Church at large is being irresponsible to promote such unquestioning obedience to a fear-based narrative regarding a supposedly epidemic-proportion deadly viral contagion that has never been proven with legitimate scientific methodology to even exist.  Among other potential agendas, the narrative of covid misinformation is being used to control the masses and promote the acceptance of a New World Order.  Christians are complicit in the destruction of our society and our God-given liberties when they practice blind trust in the narrative being proclaimed.  

In my opinion, the current mask-wearing oppression is reminiscent of the American 20th century civil rights era.  The oppressive narrative at that time, violating the human and civil rights of African-Americans by refusing to allow them service in numerous public spaces (even forcing them to use separate water fountains and bathrooms), postulated the ridiculous and offensive notion that whites would be harmed in some way…even made ill…by sharing those spaces.  How ironic that in this covid era, the same narrative is being proclaimed about non-maskers.

Forced mask-wearing is a violation of bodily autonomy and our human right to unencumbered breathing and blood oxygenation.  It is a practice of forcing us to put something on our bodies against our will that harms our health.  Forced testing also violates our natural rights.  The tests are not even accurate enough to be trusted, even if they were actually able to detect a supposed viral agent.  But the PCR test has already been called into question by numerous professionals for its inability to legitimately detect viral contagions…at the most, it is detecting only exosomes (RNA strands found as part of the body’s “clean-up crew”).  Medical and scientific professionals have warned that the tests have an extraordinarily high false postive rate and have been shown to produce both negative and positive results concurrently in the same subject.  The testing is unreliable.  The promoted masks are unable to contain and protect against viral agents.  This virus is unproven by infectious disease scientific methodological standards.  This covid experience appears to be a conditioning exercise, getting people comfortable with the loss of bodily autonomy, as it is a very real potential lead-in to forced vaccination…the practice of forcing us to put something in our bodies against our will that harms our health.  And all in the name of the “common good”…  How ironic!  Our government allows and the medical industry assists pregnant women in murdering their preborn babies day after day, year after year… Considering such hypocrisy, no persons or “authorities” have any license to request or mandate that any one of us give up our bodily autonomy under the deceptive guise of “not harming” others. According to the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks abortion rates and demographics worldwide, an estimated 862,320 babies were aborted in United States clinics in 2017.  Where is the outcry against these deaths? Where is the demand for “kindness” and protection of these lives? Where are the mandated restrictions to prevent these losses?

This covid narrative and its management is beyond questionable.  We must face the very reasonable potential that the virus is not real, as no empirical scientific evidence, following infectious disease testing criteria, has proven the existence of said virus.  The science being used against us during this event has been irresponsible at best, pseudo-science at worst.  We ought to encourage one another to read the medical research papers being published and understand the assumptions and hypotheses being made and promoted as fact.  We ought to question who is proclaiming this narrative and why.  People ought not to blindly trust the government and the media.  Perhaps they ought to consider not listening to so much mainstream news (or any news daily for that matter…inundation with continuous bad news is unhealthy, and stress is a real killer).  It is entirely reasonable to agree with the position that this covid “epidemic” is a hoax…a planned event (with plenty of evidence from the past decade) being used as a scapegoat to cover-up the real harm and illness being caused by a new onslaught of radiation poisoning, as well as a political weapon by technocrats and globalists to upend society as we know it, to usher in a new world order, to further damage economies and crush natural rights and civil liberties. [Chronic exposure to EMF radiation from cell phones/towers, smart meters, wifi routers, bluetooth devices, etc has long been known as a health hazard…5G levels are far more potent than previous-generation microwave radiation-producing devices. Did you know that one of the side effects of significant microwave radiation exposure is hypoxia (diminished oxygenation of blood and body tissues)? This is quite significant considering “covid” symptomatology: microwave radiation disrupts the body’s ability to absorb and use oxygen; microwave radiation creates significant heat and cellular stress, among many other problems. ”Covid” patients have been described as dying from oxygen deprivation. Should we not collectively be discussing the very real health threat posed by constant exposure to high levels of environmental microwave radiation? The data is available and has been for many years…for anyone willing to consider information outside the officially sanctioned narrative.]

Even if people choose to believe in the validity of an unproven viral agent, we must consider the data revealing the lack of severity of this assumed virus.  Deadly epidemic it is not.  And if we do assume the existence of a virus that can cause illness and death (albeit only on the level of a really bad flu season), we must understand that the masks being promoted and used are completely unable to stop the passing of viral particles, due to the size of viral particles versus the size of permeability openings in the mask materials.  Even the N95 masks say on their packaging insert that they “do not protect against the risk of contracting disease or infection.”  Saying any cloth/paper/fabric masks can protect one from a virus is akin to putting up a chain-link fence to keep mosquitos out of your yard.  The claim that we are wearing masks to protect others is naive and extremely faulty, based on flawed logic and volitional blind trust in misinformation.  I venture to suggest that putting on a useless mask against a potentially non-existent or at the least non-epidemic-proportion-lethal virus simply because someone else is scared of you if you don’t wear one, is a destructively enabling practice.  We are fueling irrational fear.  That is neither kind nor loving.  It’s like taking your alcoholic friend to the liquor store because he’s in so much withdrawal pain.  It is not a kindness to propagate delusions that harm the fearful individual as well as all of society.  Fear is a very health-damaging emotion.  Let’s work together to dispel it…that would be an incredibly loving thing to do!

Furthermore, and perhaps most important, this culture of masking is working to desensitize society to dehumanization…to de-individualization.  We are being trained to accept ourselves and fellow humans as faceless automatons.

Long ago, Arabs discovered that forcing people to cover their noses and mouths broke their wills and individuality, and depersonalized them. It made them submissive. Modern psychology explains it: without a face we don’t exist as independent beings. The mask is the beginning of deleting individuality.  —Very Rev. Fr. Saša Petrović; Saint Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church

Too many people across multiple societies in various countries look to government to be their God.  They put faith and trust in the system…they seek to be taken care of by their chosen parental/god system.  But government is not God…it is not made up of infallible benign people worthy of our blind faith.  Governments and their agencies are made up of humans…the same humans as the rest of the world…representing the good, the bad, and the ugly in humanity.  And government, ironically, is not the “good guy,” the neutral force of justice and protection.  It isn’t even the controlling factor much of the time…private interests…monied interests…determine many of the directions our societies take, influence most of the actions our governments take.  We need to wake up to reality.  We are being told to bend the knee (compliance in exchange for “peace”) to unrighteous, unjust and non-evidence-based mandates…we are being set up collectively for a new normal that violates all natural rights and liberties…the mask-wearing is an indoctrination ritual preparing society for the next steps in the loss of our freedoms and autonomy.  

The masks have become the symbol for the politicized weapon that is Covid.  The masks have contributed to great discord among human brethren…it fuels the “us and them” sentiment.  This agenda was in the works for years, with billionaire technocrats and population control gurus and Marxist-inspired policy makers stacking the dominoes.  We are watching the surreal unfolding of the Great Reset that these architects desire.  The reshaping of economies and liberties are part of this great agenda, the metamorphosis taking place before our eyes and with our implicit and explicit permission.  Some agree with the agenda and desire it.  Others don’t understand and clearly see the agenda for what it is.  Others see and despise the agenda yet feel helpless to stop it.  The “new normal” that we are experiencing thanks to the covid era is not receding anytime soon, if ever…unless we take a stand. 

If we don’t push back now, we are guaranteed to be further marginalized once the focus shifts from the mask to the vaccine. Even if we do push back, we must prepare for the real possibility that we will be on the losing side because not enough of our fellow Americans chose to join us in the resistance. — Independent journalist Leo Hohmann


To read more about the Covid issue and why we should be questioning the narrative, please see my paper on “Questioning Covid,” in which I delve deeply (with data) into the issues mentioned in this commentary…the efficacy of testing, mask-wearing, the uncanny “warm-ups” to the covid era, and the questionable scientific validity of the covid “virus” itself. The best way to discover truth is to question, to research, to discuss freely in the marketplace of ideas. Blessings on your search!


Resources for this op-ed











An Open Letter to President Trump...Stop Medical Rape, aka Forced Vaccination

Dear President Trump,

I would like to believe that you are unlike other men in government today, unique even among many presidents…that you are a man of integrity that cannot be bought and sold…a man who sees agendas and understands corruption.

I beseech you, sir, to directly and swiftly address the human rights violation now occurring across this country…forced vaccination.  The pharmaceutical interests have captured the congresses in states such as California and New York, and the movement grows…an insidious disease that strips us of our human rights endowed to us at conception by our Creator.  Forced vaccination is nothing more than medical rape; it is indeed a form of human bondage.  We are created with bodily autonomy and no one has the right to choose for us, nor for our children, what is to be injected into our bodies.  

I will not tire you with a discourse on the controversy and harms of vaccination; I have no doubt you are well versed on the issue.  Even now, the vaccine industry is using censorship and misinformation, even outright lies and intimidation to control the people…cronyism and fear of profit loss encourages participation in this agenda by Google, Amazon and others.  Fabrications and fear-mongering are being spread by the elite throughout the populace.  The people have a right to informed consent…to study all sides of any issue.  I do not believe it is hyperbole to proclaim that we are seeing a growing exertion of censorship, control and restriction of free speech akin to the Third Reich.

Mr. President, this is happening on your watch.  Will you not write an executive order that reverses the human rights violations being perpetrated against people who live on this land?  Ensure us our inalienable right to choose…to refuse this vaccination violation.  No evidence exists to corroborate the claims being made by the medical establishment and vaccine manufacturers.  No deadly harm threatens the people of this nation by allowing vaccination choice.  If people want to choose vaccination, regardless of the facts that persuade against such action, they may.  But in like manner, those of us who are educated, who know better, have every right to choose NOT to vaccinate.

Sir, do not remain silent as the people are victimized by a profit-mad agenda that strips us of our fundamental human right to refuse harm to our bodies.

Ought we not be free to choose?  Ought not the land of America stand for something akin to its traditions?  If we have no rights over what is forced upon our very bodies, we are in no way free.  If any modern president might see the value in this, I am hopeful it is you.

The SATs: An Exercise in Establishment Brainwashing

Recently my son, studying with online tools for the SAT, forwarded me these blatantly anti-natural medicine practice questions. This is a fitting example of the brainwashing rampant in government schools, which are training our society’s young people to continue the lock-step of sheeple who unquestionably follow conventional medicine and fear or disbelieve the real alternatives. Frankly, I find the bias shown here laughable. Sadly, youths more often than not fail to question the kind of unproven, dogmatic statements being made in the examples below. Our young people are blatantly and subconsciously taught to trust and obey the little gods in white coats with prescription pads and the government agencies that enforce non-evidence-based tyrannical public “health” policies. This stinking thinking is insidious and it’s everywhere. Awake parents, beware…your kids could be inadvertently influenced.

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"Don't Touch the Bits!"

Too Funny, Too True…A Difference between Men and Women

http://www.amandagore.com - If you love this watch this one too! http://youtu.be/vQFl4a0xiBE When it comes to touch men and women genuinely are from different planets! In this hysterical clip, Amanda has a fun filled look at what women want and why men don't understand it! Men really are from mars and woman from Venus!

Forced Vaccination is Medical Rape

Statements on the Insanity, Illegitimacy and Tyranny of Forced Vaccination

Vaccination is NOT immunization.

Vaccines have never been proven safe or effective.

Vaccines do not confer herd immunity.

Vaccine proponents’ claims are based on fear, not fact.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers fabricate falsehoods and propagate panic.

Pharmaceutical executives are not philanthropists.

Pharmaceutical companies do not know what is best for me, for my family, for humanity.

The government does not know what is best for me, for my family, for humanity.  We cannot confer God-like characteristics upon government.

The CDC and FDA are not unbiased organizations that proclaim and promote empirical science.  They suppress scientific fact they do not approve.  They misrepresent data to serve their agenda.

Forced vaccination is medical rape.

It is a violation of bodily autonomy and human rights.

This is when we may righteously proclaim: My body, my choice.

Forced vaccination in the name of the “common good” … an unproven claim at best, is no different than forced sterilization for humanity’s “protection” against the purported scourge of overpopulation. 

Measles is not a plague leaving a mass of death and destruction in its wake.

Yet thousands are maimed, debilitated, killed by vaccines…and the medical establishment refuses to openly acknowledge vaccine-induced injuries and death.

The CDC is eager to tell us that serious cases of measles can lead to brain damage, even death, due to encephalitis.  The CDC fails to tell people that vaccines can lead to brain damage, even death…that the vaccination process can cause encephalitis.

Measles deaths from 2004 to 2015: Zero

Vaccine deaths resulting from measles vaccines 2004 to 2015: 108 reported

(VAERS is a voluntary reporting system, and as such, is not an accurate representation of all vaccine damage/death cases that occur. *)

If vaccines are so effective, why are unvaccinated people a threat?  Do you not trust the vaccines you profess to be the answer?  Why are you afraid?  Do you truly understand the diseases you so desperately fear?  Do you understand how to prepare your body to fight?

Seek answers. Do not blindly ingest the offered pablum. Study as much as possible despite the difficulties. Granted, this is becoming more difficult with increasingly fascist encroachment. The powers that be…the revolving door of corruption and cronyism between industry and government, as well as the oligarchs…are actively suppressing information, obfuscating and promoting smear campaigns so We the People have little access to genuine information, scientific evidence-based truth.  Government agents, medical profiteers, and the conventional media spin data and silence opposition.  When the few companies who control the dissemination of information (ie google and amazon) blatantly squash first amendment free speech rights,** bombarding us only with the droning voice of the official party line, we all should see red…red flags.  Thinking people should question the motivation of such totalitarian tactics.

The rabid anti-choice establishment cronies have long followed the advice of John D. Rockefeller’s PR propaganda stooge, Edward Bernays: “If you say it long enough, loud enough, people will believe it.” To the terrorized, trusting populace that kowtow to the destructive messages of control and tyranny, I humbly submit that your believe doesn’t determine truth.


As of November 30, 2018, there have been more than 93,179 reports of measles vaccine reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following measles vaccinations made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including 459 related deaths, 6,936 hospitalizations, and 1,748 related disabilities. Over 50% of those adverse events occurred in children three years old and under. However, the numbers of vaccine-related injuries and deaths reported to VAERS may not reflect the true number of serious health problems that occur develop after MMR vaccination.

Even though the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 legally required pediatricians and other vaccine providers to report serious health problems following vaccination to federal health agencies (VAERS), many doctors and other medical workers giving vaccines to children and adults fail to report vaccine-related health problem to VAERS. There is evidence that only between one and 10 percent of serious health problems that occur after use of prescription drugs or vaccines in the U.S. are ever reported to federal health officials, who are responsible for regulating the safety of drugs and vaccines and issue national vaccine policy recommendations.17,18,19,20 21





Bill Gates Funding "Anti-Vaccine Group" Surveillance

Vaccine and population control mega-advocate Bill Gates is now funding anti-vaccine group surveillance.

For example, a $100K grant was recently disbursed to Seth C. Kalichman, professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut, for "Establishing an Anti-Vaccine Surveillance and Alert System," which intends to "establish an internet-based global monitoring and rapid alert system for finding, analyzing, and counteracting misinformation communication campaigns regarding vaccines to support global immunization efforts." 

In his efforts to further vaccine propaganda, Gates has said that anti-vaccine groups kill children.  Well, Mr. Gates, you can say whatever you like...that doesn't make it true.  It is common for powerful people to say whatever suits their purposes to further their agenda and their profits.  The truth is that vaccines have and do kill children, and their harm is irrefutable.  The truth is that vaccines do not eradicate disease.  The truth is that vaccinated children have been known to contract the illnesses for which they were vaccinated.  The truth is that contracting certain childhood illnesses is not a death sentence, but is actually beneficial for a healthy immune system.  The truth is very different from Gates' presentation of his version of the "facts."

If Gates truly cared for the well-being of children, he would advocate for legitimate vaccine education and parental choice.  Coercion is not education.  Regulating away personal freedoms never helped anyone.

Read the full article here:

Gates Foundation Funds Surveillance of Anti-Vaccine Groups

Learn more about the vaccination problem (many links and resources):

Protecting Our Children from Fear-Based Medicine and Vaccine Damage

TV Watching Is Bad for Your Brain

 Sure, I occasionally enjoy some television programming, especially of the PBS Masterpiece Theatre or Mystery variety.  I like to watch documentaries from time to time, or cooking shows.  I sometimes catch up on alternative news bites or fellow herbalists' techniques with youtube videos.  I'm not suggesting that any amount of TV indulgence will destroy all your brain cells.  But regular TV consumption does have a deleterious effect on the brain, especially on the developing brains of children.

Of course I make no apologies for being an avid lover of good books...educational non-fiction and good literature, much of it classic literature.  We all have different personal definitions of twaddle for both books and electronic programming.  Good books, not twaddle, have a positive effect on the brain.  Reading uses multiple brain processes, and brain activity during reading is heightened, whereas it diminishes during television viewing, which is a passive and "hypnotic" activity.  

I think it is fair to agree with our grandparents that we are a culture of "dumbed down" people compared to generations past, and it wasn't book reading that got us here.  A daily dose of TV watching creates less active brains and less thinking people.  To cogitate more on this issue, read:

How TV Affects Brain Waves

Brain Wave Studies: TV vs. Reading

Effects of TV on the Brain

Effect of Stimulus Rate and Duration on Brain Activitiy During Reading

Getting "Lost" in a Book Means Heightened Brain Activity



Mandatory Pediatric Chemo May Become Standard Protocol...

...And you will be treated as a criminal if you don't comply.  This is coercion and tyranny of the worst sort, as the victims will be your children and you will be rendered helpless.  Chemotherapy is poisoning and it is NOT a cancer cure.  Whether you trust the cancer industry and its protocols or not (and I urge you not to, and to study the issue at great length), you certainly have the inalienable, human, and parental rights to make what you believe to be the best choices for your children.  The power should not lie in the hands of doctors and government officials who desire to act as a nanny state and control us all.  

Read about this important issue here:

Mandatory Pediatric Chemo: Child Abuse

To learn more truth about cancer, its genuine cures, and the cancer industry:


Vitamin D Good! Sunscreen bad!

Our society is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of appropriate vitamin D levels, especially for pregnant women and children.  Vitamin D affects crucial systems in your body, impacting immunity and cellular activity, as well as bone formation and brain function.  Vitamin D helps to prevent cancer and is necessary for your body to absorb and use calcium.  Vitamin D is crucial to fetal development, especially brain development.  Vitamin D is vital to our health and our children's developing bodies for more reasons than I can give here.

The best source for vitamin D is sunlight.  Our habits of avoiding the sun and using copious amounts of (chemically laden) sunscreen have not improved our health, and has kept us from absorbing this most essential of nutrients.  Ironically, many sunscreens themselves presents cancer risks.  Spending a minimum of 20 minutes daily in direct sunshine (no sunscreen) with limbs exposed is a health tonic!  Does sunshine cause cancer?  I'll let you battle that controversy for yourself...suffice it to say that LACK of sunshine has certainly been shown to cause cancer.  And sunscreen isn't the benign shield we've been led to believe.  If you are concerned about sunburn or over-exposure, just cover up after your healthful sunbathing.  Hats and lightweight long sleeves make great sun shields.

Other good sources of vitamin D include Real Foods rich in the vitamin, such as pastured eggs, oysters, liver, and grass-fed raw butter.  Cod liver oil is rich in vitamin D, as is lard from pastured pigs.  Remember, source is everything...the animal products that you hope will nourish you are only as good as their feed and sun exposure.  Confined, primarily grain-based, GMO-fed animals will not only keep you malnourished, but they will damage your health.

To better understand how much vitamin D you need and why, please peruse the following information, including a link to a home test for determining your vitamin D levels:

Vitamin D:  How Much and What Are the Benefits?

Vitamin D Deficiency Research Articles

GreenMed's Vitamin D Page

The VitaminD Council

Vitamin D Deficiency During Pregnancy

Vitamin D Requirements During Pregnancy

Home Test for Vitamin D Deficiency

Sunscreen Cancer-Causing Ingredients

The Sunshine Vitamin

Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Junk Food Is as Dangerous as Cigarettes

Certain deleterious health effects of smoking may appear faster, but junk food is just as toxic to your body, as well as addictive (yes, I'm talking about you, sugar).  

By now, we all know the dangers of cigarettes to the smoker:  respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, infertility, cancer.  And we know non-smokers suffer, too, as second-hand smoke similarly damages the health of its victims.  Smoking around babies and children causes them to suffer respiratory malfunctions (such as asthma), heart malfunctions and worse (SIDS).  Smoking during pregnancy will damage or even kill a woman's baby.  

But is feeding children junk food any less a form of child abuse than forcing them to breathe toxic second-hand smoke?  Junk food consumed by mom damages baby's development in utero and impacts long-term physical and mental health.  Consuming junk food seriously damages children's physical and neurological development and causes numerous health malfunctions, illness and diseases.  Of course, junk food damages adult bodies, too.

The average commercial junk food, like fast food, candy bars, soda, snack cakes, chips, etc. contain a toxic slew of frankenfoods (GMOs like soy and corn), high fructose corn syrup, highly processed "foods," additives, fillers, colors, preservatives, various chemicals.  These "edible" substances are laboratory-designed, factory-processed, denuded, adulterated sludge that don't qualify as food.

The negative health impacts resulting from the ingestion of said "foods" include:

  • Liver disease
  • Obesity
  • Heart disease/Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Immune suppression
  • Mood Disorders
  • Infertility/Endocrine disorders
  • Respiratory disease
  • Neurological malfunctions
  • Premature aging
  • Cancer

You are what you eat.  Simple truth.  It cannot be overstated.  The engine only runs as well as the fuel you put in it.  We could perform study after study and discourse in debate after debate, but is that really needful?  We intuitively know and understand that what we put in our bodies either makes us ill or well.  We see the age in which we live, the food stuffs available, the toxins ubiquitous in our environment, food and pharmaceuticals...we see the continuing rates of chronic illness in our culture.  It doesn't take degrees and certifications to understand such a blatant and simple truth.  Garbage in, garbage out.  Junk food maims and then it kills.  

Here are some links for further study, book recommendations and an informative video on toxic sugar.  And, to end on a lighter note, a satirical look at junk food by comedian Tim Hawkins:

Junk Food Lowers IQ

Some Truths about HFCS

Dangers of HFCS

GMOs Damage Kidneys and Liver

GMO Dangers Info

Smoking and French Fries Both Bad for Baby

Junk Food Marketing to Children

We Must Demonize Junk Food for the Sake of Our Children




California Wants to Force Vaccinate...

A new bill before the California senate would effectively strip parents' rights to make vaccination decisions for their children.  

When Dr. Richard Pan’s bill, AB 2019, was debated in a public hearing before California’s Senate Committee on Health, Dawn Richardson, Director of Advocacy for the National Vaccination Information Center (NVIC), showed up to explain why she and her organization opposed the bill. If the bill is enacted into law, Richardson says, it will in effect force mandatory vaccinations onto children even when their parents have decided it’s in their best interest to deny them. Under current law, parents may file a “personal belief exemption” which allows their children to attend public school without vaccinations. But under Pan’s bill, a doctor must sign off on the parents’ decision first, and most of them won’t.

Mandatory Vaccination Battle Heats Up in CA

CA Bill to Restrict Vaccine Exemption

National Vaccine Information Center (news and guidance to help parents make informed vaccine decisions)

Genetically Engineered Babies...Coming Soon to a Womb Near You?!

God forbid that Aldous Huxley's futuristic dystopian vision is becoming our reality.  Are we truly edging perilously closer to the era of lost humanity a la Brave New World or Andrew Nichol's sci-fi flick Gattaca?

U.K's Daily Mail reported this week that the world's first genetically engineered babies have been "created."

The disclosure that 30 healthy babies were born after a series of experiments in the United States provoked another furious debate about ethics.

So far, two of the babies have been tested and have been found to contain genes from three 'parents'.

Fifteen of the children were born in the past three years as a result of one experimental programme at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St Barnabas in New Jersey.

I am nauseated.  I have not the adequate words to express my dismay and disgust at the diabolical implications of this vile pursuit.  Science is run amok!  The biotech wizards are drunk on their own arrogance and delusions.  How far are they planning and willing to go?  Could the successful genetically engineered baby project be one giant domino toppling us closer to the reality of transhumanism (a reprehensible desire to annihilate our innate divinely created humanity)?

We already live in a world where U.S. lawmakers, in bed with GMO-producing big ag corporations, are refusing to protect consumer rights.  Our FDA tells us unequivocally that we do not have the right to consume the food of our choice, nor the fundamental right to physical health!  We live in a world where dictatorial regimes enforce abortion as a population control measure.  We live in the modern age of science as god, of anything goes, of "it can be done, so it should be done."  Our scientific culture applauds the manipulation, exploitation and destruction of nature and natural processes.  First it was our food supply, next it was animals, and finally...it's us?! 

The abominable act of genetically engineering humans is wrong on so many levels.  First and foremost, it violates our most essential, fundamental, natural and miraculously beautiful human process: Procreation.  Where will the experiments end?  How long before control-freak governments partner with the mad scientists and enforce a policy that strips us of this inalienable human right and leaves in its wake a brainwashed populace queuing up for designer babies?  Is it possible?

God forbid!

The Black and White Truth about Vaccine Damage

The Chalkboard Campaign, sponsored by VaxTruth.org, is working to educate parents about the truth of vaccine dangers.  The following video is a great, simple introduction to the significant problems associated with vaccination and the lies doctors tell.

Read more about the Chalkboard Campaign and study the information presented, such as the LACK of scientific evidence for the safety and efficacy of vaccinations, the evidences of vaccine-induced harm, and a comprehensive guide to vaccine ingredients:

Chalkboard Campaign overview and numerous articles

The Chalkboard Campaign Articles and Video on preventdisease.com

Vaccine Ingredients


Having a Baby Can Heal Your Heart...

...Literally!  As many of us who have yearned for motherhood during times of infertility know, gaining a child is an emotionally and spiritually healing experience beyond description.  Becoming a mother fulfills a heart yearning ... heals that empty child-shaped space.  It is a gift, a blessing, a challenge and weighty responsibility.  And now, research shows that having a baby can physically heal a damaged heart.

Fetal cells can persist in a mother's body (in up to 75% of women) for up to 50 years after she gives birth; those cells can have a positive physiological effect, including the potential to repair damaged maternal tissue.  A study published this year in the Circulation Research journal indicated that the fetal cells left within mom can differentiate into various types of heart cells, actually repairing mom's heart damage.

Read more here:

Baby Gives Back

Canola Oil is Not a Healthy Food...

...nor is it Real Food at all.  Controversy seems to surround this popular commercial "food," which is touted by the industry as a healthy, unsaturated oil.  [An oxymoron, of course.]  Questions about canola abound:  is it healthy, is it not healthy, is it GMO, is it not GMO...  I shake my head in frustration whenever I see canola oil being marketed as "non-GMO," as if such an animal exists.

Canola Oil history brief:  No, canola oil does not come from the canola plant.  Canola is an acronym that stands for Canadian Oil, Low Acid.  Canola's origins are a story of food politics and profit cravings.  Looking for a cheap, ubiquitous oil to replace industry-vilified butter, unpopular corn and soy oil, and expensive olive oil, food industry scientists in the 1970s began playing with the rapeseed plant, whose naturally high erucic acid content posed too much concern (erucic acid is associated with heart lesions).  Laboratory design and technological machinations gave birth to canola, originally named LEAR (low erucic-acid rapeseed) oil. 

Defenders of canola's manipulated beginnings say that the rapeseed plant wasn't originally spliced with genetic material from other species, nor was it injected with Roundup, etc, so it isn't really genetically modified in the dangerous sense.  They make it sound as if the rape plant is being bred as naturally and easily as a terrier might breed with a poodle.  That simply is not so...even a perusal of original scientific documentation reveals the level of technological manipulation involved to achieve the product we know as canola oil.  The truth remains that the rapeseed plant was manipulated, including seed splicing, the plant was tinkered with until it produced a desired effect, and an unnaturally occurring product emerged.  Canola oil would not exist outside the work of "science."  And today, canola oil is being aggressively genetically modified, with who knows what being added to its genetic code.  Eighty percent of canola being grown is GMO.  Science strikes again.

And that is the key issue here.  Food does not come from a food science or biotechnology lab (or any lab, for that matter).  Food grows out of the ground and in the ocean and comes from animals who eat what grows out of the ground and in the ocean.  Science doesn't create food, God did.  When science has to jump through hoops and apply its technology to create something edible (and profitable), the result is not food.  Just because you can chew it and swallow it, just because it tastes good and you keep breathing, doesn't make it food and it certainly doesn't make it nourishing.

As with all "vegetable" oils, canola is highly subject to rancidity, causing free radical formation in our bodies.  Like other "vegetable" oils, canola needs to be chemically extracted (petroleum in your food, anyone?).  Like other "vegetable" oils, canola lacks saturated fat, the essential nutrient that is the basis of human hormone, brain and heart health.  Like other "vegetable" oils, canola lacks a healthy balance of omega fatty acids, providing too much omega 6 (which can cause inflammation).  Shall I go on?  I'm sure you get the idea...  Canola isn't the only health villain in the bunch; vegetable oils as a group should be avoided.  Their marketing as "healthy" foods does not stand on honest, evidence-based science.  This snake oil is the work of the food industry, its partner the medical industry, and clever advertising.

Vegetable oils as a concept is somewhat ludicrous.  What vegetable or grain naturally produces oil?  When you pick up a vegetable and squeeze it, does oil emerge?  Not the way an olive does, or a nut...and certainly not like the fat from animals.  If we didn't have food science laboratories, we wouldn't have vegetable oils...and society would be better off for it.  In fact, if we didn't have food science laboratories, we'd all be healthier...we'd be forced to eat Real Food.

Read More:

Canola Oil: The Hidden History (the mustard gas/toxicity claims are a point of controversy, but the history is verifiable)

Know Your Fats: The Great Con-ola (Fallon's original article, same as above)

Methods of Breeding for Oil Quality in Rape (seed)   (original scientific abstract)

Why You Should Never Eat Vegetable Oils



If You Eat Industrial Beef, You Could Be Ingesting Pink Slime

Just talking about pink slime brings to my mind that old clip of Charlton Heston, in the film Soylent Green, screaming...."It's people!!  Soylent Green is made of people!!"  Now, pink slime isn't made from people (at least not that I'm aware), but it is disgusting...and it's an unlabeled ingredient in commercial ground beef products.  You know, the stuff you buy in the conventional grocery store, or order in any non-organic, non-slow food restaurant, or even have fed to your children at school.  

Pink slime is a popular news item of late, but how many consumers heard of it before now?  Likely not the masses of people who have been ingesting the stuff.  Pink slime is "a food additive consisting of heated and processed beef scrap waste treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria. This matter closely resembles disinfected beef puree. The material is not sold directly to consumers on its own, but is used as a filler in ground beef."  (Thanks, Wikipedia.)  To learn more about pink slime, read the links below.

This repulsive, harmful non-food product composed of animal waste...who knows exactly what and which parts...appears in 70% of supermarket ground beef and regularly fills fast food burgers (yes, we see you, McDonald's!).  If John Q. Public wasn't convinced before that no one should be eating the poison that passes for food at such establishments, perhaps this will be the needed catalyst for conviction.

I add the pink slime tale to the annals of "just another reason to ONLY eat REAL food."  The only slime I encounter is what grows on my kombucha scoby.  And I know that's good for me.

The silver lining to this slimy cloud is the impact that activism is having on the pink slime industry, actually causing the shut down of the plants that produce the vile stuff.  So the next time you think that your concern, your voice, your efforts to fight the madness pervading our society is all for nought, remember the slime.

Pink Slime in Burgers

Activism Shuts Down Pink Slime Plants

Pink Slime and the Restaurant Business

Pasteurized Milk Causes Cancer

Finally, for those who still believe they need "experts," and "scientific studies" to confirm what common sense tells us about Real Food:

Harvard Study Confirms Industrial Pasteurized Milk Causes Cancer

I have nothing more to say; it's all been said by Real Food activists before...  But please, share this information with your friends, family and neighbors who are still on the fence or fully indoctrinated.  Knowledge is power, and sharing knowledge is a wonderful gift to give.

Actually, there is something more to say...be sure to read part two of the above-linked Natural News article, and note how our government is promoting further dangerous and health-destroying farming habits in U.S. dairies.

Agent Orange Is Coming Soon to a Grocery Store Near You...

...At least, that's what Dow AgroScience wants.  If Dow's petition is granted by the federal government, the already dangerous patchwork of GMO corn being grown in America will become the recipient of a weapon of mass destruction.  I doubt anyone needs to be reminded of the pain and suffering caused by Dow's Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.  So do we really want it to be sprayed all over the American food supply?  Not that GMO corn is food, but we all know how these evils spread....

To learn more, please read the following articles and make your voice heard.

Food Bits & Bites Newsletter Issue 8

Natural News: Dow Seeking Deregulation...

Mercola: Agent Orange in Your Food

EWWHerbals                                                                              "Every wise woman builds her house..."  Proverbs 14:1

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